Monday, January 6, 2014

Who are you????

I caught up with an old friend the other day and I gave her the URL to my blog (TreshaKnowsBest). She looked at it and said "I'm surprised it's not called I'm Just Sayin'!" I laughed...she knows me so well.
One of the things I pride myself on is being consistent with my values, morals & silly ways. People can depend on me for a few things: logical explanations & witty humor for sure! No matter the situation, no matter my personal mood or the crisis at're gonna learn something or laugh, maybe even both!

Can the same be said about you? 

Are you consistent in some basic themes in your life or are you all over the place? Do you act one way with family, then friends, then co-workers? Do you cuss and carry on with your homegirls and then sing hymns on the Sabbath? Do you find yourself running in the direction of what's "trending" or acting a certain way to fit into the category at hand? 
If that sounds familiar, I'm hear to tell you that's probably the reason you're mentally fatigued and drained. It takes a lot of energy and emotions to be more than one person. 
Believe it or not, I know how you feel; being from another country I once felt I'd die if I didn't assimilate! However, what I've found is the beat of my own drum is so much easier to dance to! You can't be everything to everyone anyway so why not figure out who you really want to be and be that! What values to you hold true? What morals are really important to your heart; they may not be popular but they're worth standing on? What personality traits do you want to be known for...violent outbursts, timid interactions or vibrant's ALL up to you!

I give you permission today to take yourself back under control! Decide who you want to be and stop giving others/pop-culture power to pull your strings and dictate the dance you dance! I challenge you to determine today to be the person you were created and shaped to be; if for no other reason than to have an awesome eulogy (hey...we'll all get one,make it great)!

We've all heard the saying "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything". Well, if you don't know who you are, people will turn you into someone you don't like, are ashamed of, or who is an emotional wreck! Dr. Phil said it best:

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! We need to know who we are and whose we are! :)
